Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Your Input

I am preparing to begin a series with the youth group on ethics. As such, I would appreciate everyone's input on possible topics to cover during this series. We can assume the big ones (homosexuality, abortion, etc.) will be covered, but I would like your input on possible up and coming hottopics that are of concern to the youth of the next generation. Your input is appreciated.


Anonymous said...

so are you dealing with ethics or morality issues? if you're working to find the 'right' or 'wrong' answer, then you're dealing with morality issues. as such, I'd recommend exploring the cloning and stem-cell issues. those are more practically ethical issues because it's remiss to say that there is an absolutely 'right' answer. other issues you could consider: pro-life in the capitol punishment arean, christians and pacifism, christians in war, social justice and political dissent in christianity.

Matt and Sera said...

The generation of youth need the truth. They need to be able to decide for themselves what they will believe, not just what their paretns believe. Whatever the topics are, teach them how to seek out their own conclusion based on the Truth of the Word of God. Not just teach them , but show them also.
For example: Show them how to love orphans and widows. Show them how to care for the homeless. Take them to a crisis pregnency center...

Anyway, you are a wise man and I trust in the Lord that you will make the right decision.