Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The title of this blog comes from Luke 19:40. In the context, the Pharisees had just demanded that Jesus rebuke His disciples who were shouting His praises amidst His triumphal entry. Jesus responds to them saying, "I tell you, if these become silent, the rocks will cry out!" As I look around at the current state of the world, and of the church, I cannot help but wonder how long it will be before the ramifications of this verse become all too real. Are we as Christians still awe-struck at the glory and majesty of our God? In the midst of our "busy" lives do we remember to pause and praise Him? What is our prayer-life like? I know that at times, it is hard for me to take but a few minutes out of my day to spend in prayer. And even then, my prayers are all too often only filled with selfish requests. How often do we praise God in our prayers? Are we praising God in the way we live our lives, or are the rocks crying out?

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